UK To Train 'Moderate' Syrian Opposition

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 26 Maret 2015 | 20.14

Britain will provide military training to "Syrian moderate opposition forces", Defence Secretary Michael Fallon has announced.

Mr Fallon said the UK would send around 75 military trainers and headquarters staff to provide training in the use of small arms, infantry tactics and medical skills to groups fighting Islamic State (IS) forces.

The training, which is part of a US-led programme to support the moderate opposition in the country, will take place in Turkey and is expected to begin in the next few weeks.

The programme will train and equip thousands of screened members of the opposition over the next three years to help them defend communities against IS, before eventually leading offensive against the group.

The Defence Secretary said IS, which is also known as ISIL, could only be beaten by local forces on the ground in Syria and Iraq.

He said: "Britain remains at the forefront of coalition military efforts to support the Iraqi government in their fight against ISIL. 


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