Murder Investigation After Death Of Boy, 2

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013 | 20.14

A murder inquiry is under way after the death of a two-year-old boy who was admitted to hospital with serious head injuries.

West Midlands Police said a 21-year-old man and a woman, 25, were being held on suspicion of murder after the boy died at Birmingham Children's Hospital on Tuesday.

The boy, who has not been named, was initially admitted to hospital in Coventry at about 1pm on Monday, and later transferred to Birmingham for treatment.

Police were alerted to the boy's admission to hospital by medical staff.

A post-mortem examination that was carried out was inconclusive, and further tests are needed to establish the cause of death, according to a force spokesman.

A house in Richmond Street, Coventry, has been cordoned off as part of the investigation.

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